The management and organisational structure of LEAPS-INNOV reflects the important interaction with the LEAPS consortium and the strong coordination with the other Advanced Communities of RIs in the RI Open Innovation Coordination Group.

Project management structure of LEAPS-INNOV (LEAPS-INNOV internal (orange) and external interactions (blue)).
Governing Board (GB)
The GB is the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium. It is responsible for the project policy and the definition of the programme of activities. It oversees the project’s target and time schedules, project planning and control, dissemination and exploitation activities, and financial planning. The GB reviews reported progress, approves corrective actions where necessary and validates proposed plans for future activities.
All beneficiaries are represented in the GB, with voting rights.
Executive Board (EB)
The EB is the executive body of the LEAPS-INNOV project which assists the coordinator in the management of the project and ensures the quality assurance and timely implementation of the work package activities. The EB oversees the innovation management and impact. The EB may, via the coordinator, make proposals to the GB concerning modification of the work programme, for allocation of funding by the Commission, or on accession and withdrawal of partners. The EB consists of the coordinator team, and the WP leaders and co-leaders, and is chaired by the coordinator.
Innovation Advisory Board (IAB)
The IAB is an advisory board to the GB and EB on all technological and innovation matters of this pilot project with special focus on setting up sustainable long-term processes. The IAB composes of independent, high-level, international experts of industry as technical collaborator or user and representatives of large scale research initiatives who are strongly supporting LEAPS in the co-creation process under Horizon Europe (HE).
RI Open Innovation Coordination Group (RI-INNOV CG)
RI-INNOV CG coordinates activities of the Co-Innovation Platform on RI technology (RI Co-Innovation Platform) where the successful Advanced Communities of RI projects (LEAPS, AIDAinnova and I.FAST) perform joint support actions to foster innovation potential in European RIs. The general goals of the coordination group are:
​Definition of a common strategy for scientific areas which are at the boundaries between the competences of the different innovation pilots.
Identification of areas of cooperation and to launch common initiatives in the form of workshops, studies, documentation, etc.
Strengthen collaboration with industry which foster the innovation potential in European RI.
Exchange of information on the follow-up of the respective pilot projects and on any future initiative launched by their communities.
RI Innovation Knowledge and Technology Transfer Network (RI-INNOV KTT network)
The RI-INNOV KTT network is a joint network of the knowledge (KT) and technology transfer (TT) experts of the beneficiaries of all INFRAINNOV-04-2020 projects. The aim is to exchange experience and best practice on collaboration with industry and support the RI-INNOV CG in implementing joint activities in field of KT/TT. From the LEAPS-INNOV side the participation in this network is managed by WP8.