19–21 Sept 2023
DESY, Hamburg, Germany

At our facilities, improvements in sources and instrumentation have led to rapidly-growing data volumes, and workpackage 7 of the LEAPS-INNOV project is focused on using data reduction to tackle this challenge. HDF5 is the most commonly-used format for storing scientific data at LEAPS facilities, due to its effectiveness in storing large, complex datasets together with metadata, and is also widely used in other areas of science and industry. So, in collaboration between the HDF user group and LEAPS-INNOV WP7 (compression), a summit is being held on plugins for data compression in the HDF5 format. This will include invited talks and contributed presentations from HDF5 users and developers working with data compression, discussions on future requirements and developments, and events such as tutorials. Information on the summit, registration and abstract submission are available via the event's Indico page: https://indico.desy.de/e/ehug2023.
Photo credits: DESY / Heiner Müller-Elsner , David Pennicard