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Electron beam workshop at Raith

A successful electron beam workshop has been conducted from 29 November to 1 December at Raith in the Netherlands organized by WP4 of the LEAPS-INNOV project.

During this workshop experts in the field of Electron beam Lithography from both PSI and HZB as well as Raith have been discussing and learning from each other what is necessary to fabricate the next generation of optical gratings.

The workshop contained a mixture of lectures given by the experts for input and hands-on work on the challenging lithography patterns concerning the optical gratings that are needed for the progress of the work carried out in the LEAPS-INNOV WP4. Following up on the discussions of this workshop, further meetings on the topic will be organized in the upcoming project period of LEAPS-INNOV.

Participants of the electron beam workshop at Raith.


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