27 - 29 January 2025
Venue: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II Lecture Hall
Extended deadline for oral and poster presentation submission: 17 January 2025.
Following the lively discussions and successful exchange on battery-related research at the first LEAPS-INNOV forum in January 2024 in Barcelona, this second event, named “Roadmap to the clean energy transition: How can LEAPS facilities support knowledge transfer”, is organized at HZB by WP9 of the LEAPS-INNOV project. This second forum focuses on developing concrete steps for drafting roadmap towards the clean energy transition. The forum will take place on the 27-29th of January 2025 in Berlin.
Key-player also is transferring knowledge achievements from academic institutions to industry and using the research results for applications to tackle societal challenges. As this process currently appears to be fragile, a session of the forum will be dedicated to industry. Within problem-oriented brainstorming sessions, industry representatives are invited to present their most demanding scientific questions, accessing the expertise of all participants and experts from related fields to develop methodologies for overcoming those challenges.
Enabling lively discussions and knowledge exchange, this forum aims to foster already established dialogues and creating new links within the battery community.
Target audience: LEAPS facility staff working with tools tackling battery research, user community representatives actively involved in developments and industry representatives
Abstract Submission
Meeting participants are invited to actively contribute to the programme of the event by submitting abstracts to get a dedicated slot for oral presentation in two sessions:
1) Enabling technologies2) Applied research talks
Poster Session
The Poster Session in the afternoon of the first day of the meeting will provide an overview of the technical capabilities offered at each LEAPS facility.
Members of the Scientific Programme Committee setting up the content of the event are as follows: Jakub Drnec (ESRF; Forum Chair), Sandrine Lyonnard (CEA), Laura Simonelli (ALBA), Elmar Kataev (EMIL, HZB), Sebastian Risse (HZB), Eneli Monerjan (HZB), Rita Graceffa (EUXFEL), Maya Kiskinova (ELETTRA), Michael Stueckelberger (DESY), Montserrat Casas (CICENERGIGUNE), Franz Hennies (Lund University).
Abstract submission for poster and oral presentation is still open. The deadline for registration was extended to 17 January 2025.