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LEAPS-INNOV meets Battery 2030+

On 11 January 2023, the online workshop „LEAPS-INNOV meets BATTERY 2030+“ took place, organized by WP9 of the LEAPS-INNOV project. As battery research has been identified as one of the current hot topics in science, specifically the energy-related research, this workshop was organized as part of the round-table workshop series in LEAPS-INNOV, established for fostering collaboration between the LEAPS facilities and user communities of certain research areas.

A heterogeneous group of about 40 participants, including representatives of the LEAPS-INNOV facilities as well as members of the large-scale European research initiative BATTERY 2030+ and interested users, led very fruitful discussions.

By explaining the impact of BATTERY 2030+ along the whole battery value chain and its vision to invent sustainable batteries for the future as well as by providing an overview of projects funded and the organization of the consortium with 23 involved organizations from 14 countries, the coordinator of BATTERY 2030+ gave great insights into the research initiative. Complementing to that, a presentation was given on the involvement and engagement of BATTERY 2030+ in other initiatives.

The subsequent discussion was characterized by addressing already implemented modes of access more in detail as well as by developing concrete ideas on following joint activities. Possible alternatives to currently existing access modes to facilities were brought up along with ideas on how to involve LEAPS-INNOV partners in future developments and initiatives driven by the battery research community. Follow up events will be organised to continue the lively discussion.


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