On 19 May 2022 the workshop “LEAPS-INNOV meets Treesearch” took place virtually organized by WP9 of the LEAPS-INNOV project. This network was chosen as a target for the pilot meeting to serve as a guideline for the format and content of upcoming workshops and forums to point out relevant questions to be tackled and network needs to be addressed. The existing links between LEAPS (MAXIV) and Treesearch were used to set up this pilot meeting.
Representatives from LEAPS and LEAPS-INNOV participated to get to know the initiative Treesearch, to learn about the needs of its scientific community and industry partners and to brainstorm on possible future collaboration. The Treesearch representatives introduced the Swedish initiative for new materials made from wood comprising 18 partners of industry, academia, Research Infrastructures (RIs), private foundations and the Swedish government and aiming for an open research environment and innovation concerning new materials and specialty chemicals from the forest. The LEAPS and LEAPS-INNOV representatives got an impression of the motivation and the internal management processes of this network as well as the interlink with the RI MAXIV.
A focus of the subsequent discussion was on the collaboration with industry at RIs and the linkage to other European networks. The importance of PhD programs as link to industry as well as prioritized access for industry to RIs were key aspects resulting from the exchange among all participants. Following up on these topics, further workshops with different European partnerships will follow in the coming period.