9-10 January 2025 - Lund, Sweden
This workshop aims to build a collaborative base for the exploration and development of multimodal and multispectral microscopy methods, focused around the European Synchrotrons. We invite facility staff, users and other experts to join us and discuss emerging techniques, research examples, holistic user support (sample preparation & data analysis), and other collaborative efforts to enhance synchrotron microscopy research. Participants are encouraged to contribute by submitting abstracts on selected topics for either a poster/presentation.
Increasingly, complex and heterogeneous samples are finding their way to the synchrotron. One technique is often not sufficient, yet tackling several, unfamiliar methods over a longer time period can be unattractive and intimidating to most (novel) users.
A wider portfolio of (spectral) microscopy techniques and complementary techniques can be offered if pathways are available to guide the user and help can be offered to navigate the way.
Beamline scientists & synchrotron staff have a crucial role in advising on these multimodal & multispectral approaches and identifying bottlenecks (e.g. sample preparation, data handling & analysis, interpretation). They can then also be of help to streamline the experience.
We want to inventorize & explore if, and how, a more connected network across facilities and involving offline labs can improve user success.
The workshop is free of charge, thanks to the support from LEAPS-INNOV (WP9).
Read more about the workshop and register at: https://indico.maxiv.lu.se/event/5371/overview