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WP 1

Project Management and Dissemination

Work Package Leader:
E. Plönjes (DESY), A. Thies (DESY), U. Lächele (DESY)

LEAPS-INNOV will devise a long-term strategy and test tools for efficient long-term partnership between industry and light source facilities within LEAPS. WP1 is responsible for coordination and administration as well as communication and dissemination within LEAPS-INNOV, towards LEAPS and to external stakeholders. 

WP1 is actively creating an Innovation Advisory Board based on a pool of independent experts from industry and academia involved in the work packages. This board is charged with providing advice and acting as a sounding board for LEAPS-INNOV innovation and industrial collaboration activities. 

Beyond LEAPS-INNOV, an RI Open Innovation Coordination Group will be set up to stimulate exchange on innovation activities among the advanced communities of research infrastructures successful in the call INFRAINNOV-04-2020. All these activities will be evaluated for LEAPS with the aim of integrating them into the longer-term LEAPS governance.

WP 1:


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