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LEAPS-INNOV at the international Operando Battery Days in Grenoble (12-14th June)

The WP9 of the LEAPS-INNOV project took the opportunity to sponsor the international Operando Battery Days to foster the dialogue with the battery community and further engaging in the lively discussions. With a rising number of participants, in respect to its first edition (~120 from both academia and industry), this initiative is one of the key forum to exchange the ideas in the field of battery research, using X-ray and other advanced probes as main tools.

50 high-level oral contributions highlighted the importance of multimodal and multiscale operando investigation and raised stimulating discussions about the mechanisms involved in the functioning of different kind of battery materials. Synchrotron- based techniques have been highlighted as they provide unique insights on the changes inside electrodes and electrolytes across multiple lengthscales with high time and spatial resolution.

Besides being present at the booth and engaging in lively discussions with interested visitors, LEAPS-INNOV representatives contributed with a talk to the programme in which a vision was given about the collaboration between battery community and LEAPS facilities, allowing coordinated development to accelerate knowledge-based discovery and advancement in this field.

A good balance between experienced and early career researcher contributions and attendance, together with the provided ample space for discussions, made the initiative a great opportunity of exchanging ideas, discussing new approaches, and stimulate networks and collaborations.

Furthermore, this conference was also used to spread the word about the next battery-related event organized by WP9 as a follow-up forum to the one taken place in January 2024 in Barcelona (read more on the battery forum here).

To stay tuned on updated regarding the upcoming event, sign up on the mailing list using the following link: 


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